About Us
Engineered Components & Packaging, LLC offers the largest variety of STOCK plastic trays. Tray packaging is ideal for low to mid volume applications and allows a manufacturer to use specialty packaging with no tooling. Contact us for help navigating the Online Catalog!
Our Focus
Engineered Components & Packaging offers unique items which are not available from general purpose packaging or box suppliers. Sustainable packaging and electronic packaging are offered along with shipping trays, molded pulp packaging, and returnable containers.
Customer Service
We take pride in our fast response to orders, sample requests, and technical questions. A customer service specialist will respond promptly to e-mails, or phone inquiries. Contact us for more information.
Custom Trays
Custom tray styles include ESD trays, shipping trays, and plant handling trays. Materials range from low cost RPET to conductive styrene and inherently static dissipative PETG. Key industry categories include Electronics, Medical, Optic, and Machining. Contact us for more information or for a quotation.
Packaging Engineering
We offer best practices used by other world class companies. Engineered Components & Packaging will try to match up a stock item to your application. If no stock item meets your requirement, we offer custom trays in plastic, foam, and molded pulp materials.
Samples Available
Engineered Components and Packaging offers sample trays for many of the products in this online catalog. Samples are available either no charge or on a 30 day trial; FOB ship point. We ship collect against a UPS or Fedex number. Contact us for more information, for a quote, or to review your packaging application with a customer support specialist.